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Transcript of Auckland University Diploma

Sample transcript from The University of Auckland, the transcript is for our professional teachers typeset courses, all courses are in line with the normal diploma professional information. You can also provide customised Auckland University Transcripts with your relevant course information


Sample transcript from The University of Auckland, the transcript is for our professional teachers typeset courses, all courses are in line with the normal diploma professional information.  You can also provide customised Auckland University Transcripts with your relevant course information  

Film and television Production and media research   

Thanks to Peter Jackson, the famous New Zealand director, Wellington is regarded by Peter as the dream factory of the film industry --" Megoullywood ". The film and television program of Victoria University of Wellington is flourishing and reaching the world-class level.  Not to be outdone, the University of Auckland offers a broad research programme in film and television production and media studies.  Its faculty is also very strong, mainly for the development of New Zealand film culture and media internationalization issues in-depth research.  As a high standard characteristic major, this major's entrance requirement is also quite high.  Most students have the opportunity to attend various international film festivals   

Business management   

The business school first offered a women's studies course in 1989.  Women and Institutions was run by lecturers in the Department of Management Studies and Labour Relations.  The course deals with issues such as analysis of major barriers to women's entry into management, gender differences in leadership, information exchange and career dynamics, women's contribution to management and equal employment opportunities.  Its innovation attracts many international students and its entrance requirements are very strict.  

 Basic course   

The foundation course is designed for students who are preparing for the third grade and have weak foundation knowledge.   


In 1989, the university introduced a mathematics degree course, taught jointly by the University and the Auckland Institute of Education. The "Certificate in Mathematics Education" was designed to address the critical shortage of qualified mathematics teachers in secondary schools, to improve the mathematics achievement of all students, especially those in senior secondary schools, and to encourage senior students to continue to study mathematics.   

Australian history   

It focuses on issues of class, sex and race.   

Extracurricular counselling  

 With plenty of teachers and money in schools, student learning associations are increasingly providing after-school tutoring and other help.  


The program, which began in 1984, gives students four weeks of intensive language training and requires them to learn about Spanish culture.  The programme consists of two parts: language learning in New Zealand schools;  The second is to travel and study in Spain.  

 Real Estate Courses   

In 1989, the university celebrated the 50th anniversary of its real estate course.  Since the "Certificate of Education in Urban Assessment" was offered in 1939, real estate courses have gradually evolved from undergraduate degrees to various levels of education, including doctoral degrees.  This course covers all aspects of real estate, including real estate law, marketing, urban planning, construction, real estate valuation, real estate management, real estate development, real estate data survey and analysis, and real estate economics.  In 1983, the college established a bachelor's degree in real estate management, and later established a master's degree. In 1989, the first doctoral students were enrolled.  The courses are taught by teachers from the departments of commercial law, economics, accounting and finance, as well as senior executives of some real estate-related enterprises and experts from the institute.  The new business school building has also made it difficult to get in, with thousands crowding the bridge   

Business Certificate:  

 Designed to meet the urgent need for management professionals in the business sector, it is designed for full-time staff who wish to become qualified professionals in marketing, finance, information systems or talent management, staff relations, etc.